Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ex-Gay Survivor Conference Trailer Released

Trailer as in movie trailer--no, we did not hold our conference in double-wide metal box (no offense to trailer dwellers). Brian Murphy who created the short film (approx. 15 min) about the Ex-Gay Survivor Conference, has just released a much shorter version that he posted on YouTube. So for those with short attention spans, slow internet downloads or just too busy for the whole 15 minutes, you can get a sense of the conference in under three minutes. Thanks Brian!

You can view the complete version here.

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At 2:04 PM , Blogger Brian said...

I know this is backwards of how it generally happens. Somehow I thought there would be more a delay as we determined how to get the 15 minute version of it online. But you are a Google-wizard and it was there before I even knew what was happening.


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